
Free Tier - 0$/month

Up to 1000 assets
1 AWS account
1 K8s cluster
Slack integration
Github/Gitlab integration
Community support
Get Started
billed annually

Pro - 749$/month

Up to 6000 assets
3 AWS accounts
2 K8s clusters
Slack integration
Github/Gitlab integration
Dedicated support
Get Started

Frequently asked questions

What counts as an asset?

Firefly offers 4 main features:

  • Discovery of the entire cloud footprint and telling apart codified vs unmanaged resources
  • Codification of unmanaged resources automatically to Terraform, Pulumi and Helm
  • Configuration Drift detection and mitigation that pushes notifications directly to Slack/Teams
  • A single inventory of all cloud resources across multi-cloud, multi-account, and Kubernetes clusters

What is needed in order to start using Firefly?

You can start using Firefly almost immediately. All you need to start using Firefly is to sign up and we'll schedule a quick chat with you to set up your account and check whether we can currently support your specific tech stack, then you should be good to go.

Which IaC providers are supported by Firefly?

We currently support the most common IaC tools such as Terraform, Pulumi, Cloudformation, and Helm

What cloud providers does Firefly integrate with?

Currently, we integrate with AWS, GCP, and Azure.

How is Firefly different from other solutions?

unlike other solutions that are focused on a specific angle of the cloud asset management problem that DevOps face (such as drift detection, compliance, security, etc), Firefly offers an all-in-one solution designed specifically for DevOps.